IRP Workshop : Advanced GridPath Modeling and Scenario Analysis for Tamil Nadu

To enable India to achieve its long-term national clean energy and emissions reduction commitments, as well as Tamil Nadu’s ambitious of 50% RE generation share target by 2030, robust integrated resource planning processes are essential. IRP can help identify the least-cost combinations of supply and end-use efficiency solutions to enable each state to meet its economic and social goals.
Aligned with these objectives, WRI India aims to strengthen the capacity of state institutions/agencies in Tamil Nadu for designing and co-development of IRP to support the state achieve an optimal energy mix, ensure emissions reduction, and achieve clean energy targets. Our partners from Prayas (Energy Group) and the EmLab at the University of California will be supporting this initiative.
Building on the momentum of earlier workshops, WRI India is convening the next workshop in the IRP knowledge-building series to advance our efforts in Tamil Nadu. This event will be held on November 20 and 21, 2024, and will focus on strengthening the understanding of GridPath tool through advanced hands-on training in production cost models and capacity expansion models of TN. Through this series of workshops, we aim to collectively support Tamil Nadu in meeting its short-term objectives and advancing its long-term aspirations for a clean energy transition.
Event starts at 1.30PM on 20th November 2024 and starts at 10.00AM on 21st November 2024.
Opening Remarks : Sandhya Sundararagavan, Program Head - Energy Transition, Energy program, WRI India
Session 1: Hands-On Demonstration of Production Cost Modeling Using GridPath by Harish Palani, Senior Research Specialist, Energy program, WRI India
Session 2: Updated Tamil Nadu Production Cost Model and Discussion on Potential Scenarios by Umesh Ramamoorthi, Senior Research Associate, Energy Program, WRI India)
Session 3: Hands-On Demonstration of Capacity Expansion Modeling Using GridPath by University of California, Santa Barbara Team (TBC)
Scroll below to see the previous workshop details