Introduction to Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) Initiative in Tamil Nadu

To enable India to achieve its long-term national clean energy and emissions reduction commitments, as well as Tamil Nadu’s ambitious 50% RE generation share target by 2030, robust integrated resource planning processes are essential. IRP can help identify the least-cost combinations of supply and end-use efficiency solutions to enable each state to meet its economic and social goals.
Aligned with these objectives, WRI India aims to strengthen the capacity of state institutions/agencies in Tamil Nadu for designing and co-development of IRP to support the state achieve an optimal energy mix, ensure emissions reduction, and achieve clean energy targets. Our partners from Prayas (Energy Group) and the EmLab at the University of California will be supporting this initiative.
WRI India is convening an invite-only inaugural workshop on 20th May 2024 to kickstart the IRP capacity building effort. This workshop will serve as the launchpad for a series of training workshops aimed at collectively developing an IRP tailored to the specific needs of Tamil Nadu, with the overarching goal of supporting the state in meeting both its short-term objectives and advancing its long-term aspirations for clean energy transition.
- Bharath Jairaj, Executive Director, Energy Program, WRI India
- Sandhya Sundararagavan, Program Head - Energy Transition, Energy program, WRI India
- Srihari Dukkipati, Research Fellow, Prayas Energy Group
- Narendra Pai, Senior Research Associate, Prayas Energy Group
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