Climate Action for a Just Transition
A well-designed and well-integrated carbon market can reduce emissions reduction costs for the industry and help India meet its climate goals along with its economic aspirations. This report provides practical design and implementation recommendations for an effective carbon market in India, bringing together learnings from international carbon markets, India’s experience with market-based mechanisms over two decades as well as insights and industry feedback from a carbon market simulation.
Macroeconomic Impacts of Long-term Decarbonization in India: Implications for a Just Transition
As India embarks on a pathway to strong climate action, it is faced with the simultaneous challenge of meeting its development goals. Moreover, the transition from fossil fuels to clean energy at scale will require a profound transformation of the Indian economy: some economic sectors are likely to grow while others decline, resulting in differing impacts on workers, regions, and communities. This note presents potential macroeconomic impacts — on economic growth, employment and tax revenues — in a long-term decarbonization scenario, aligned to India’s 2070 net-zero emissions target, and analyzes the implications of these impacts for a just transition in India.
This working paper quantifies the emissions reduction potential of the commitments by 22 Indian businesses that have set science-based targets (SBTs), and their expected impact on India’s national emissions in 2030. This paper uses information such as baseline emissions (scope 1 and 2), approved SBTs, business activity in the base year and projected growth, and targets or goals adopted before setting the SBTs. The information was obtained from publicly available sources or through interviews with the companies’ representatives.
Women Workers in Indian MSMEs: Challenges for a Just Transition
This is a summary of key takeaways from a webinar on ‘Gendered Pathways to Just Transition for MSMEs in India’ hosted in December 2022 by WRI India. The webinar brought together policymakers, academics, researchers, trade unions and practitioners to understand the present challenges for gender-inclusive and just low-carbon transition for women in the micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) sector. This was organized as part of WRI India’s ongoing work to build resilience of workers and MSMEs in a changing climate to ensure a just and equitable transition.
Enabling a Just Transition for MSMEs and Workers in the Indian Automotive Industry.
This is a summary of insights from two discussions conducted during the launch of the Coimbatore Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Internal Combustion Engine Vehicle–Electric Vehicle (ICEV-EV) Transition Initiative, or MITI, in August 2022, at the Elektrotec Exhibition organized by the Coimbatore District Small Industries Association (CODISSIA), in association with WRI India. It also highlights a series of stakeholder consultations thereafter with experts from the government, industry, MSME associations, financial institutions and other automotive and EV experts. The initiative aimed to pilot a clean and just ICEV-EV transition among MSMEs in Coimbatore in collaboration with key local stakeholders.