Insights from the Building Sector

WRI India, Prayas (Energy Group), and Sustainable Futures Collaborative (SFC) invite you for a webinar on Insights from the Building Sector under the Energy Transition Preparedness Initiative. This webinar will delve into the findings from our study on transition preparedness across ten Indian states. The webinar will be hosted April 23, 2024 (Tuesday).
Energy Transition Preparedness Initiative (ETPI) is a joint initiative by Prayas (Energy Group), SFC and WRI India. It is a multi-year, trans-sectoral project to study energy transition preparedness and progress in selected states in India.
The study covers 24 themes across three sectors, including the building sector and key thematic areas as outlined in the ETPI Guidebook. Among these, 5 themes pertain to the building sector and are related to adoption and implementation of building energy codes, promotion of rooftop solar generation, energy efficient appliances in buildings, promotion of energy efficiency and clean energy integration in public buildings and affordable housing. This study covers ten states- Bihar, Delhi, Gujarat, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu. It covers the status of various issues as on 2020-21 and progress on selected themes up to December 2023.