Peeling the Onion: Monitoring, Evaluation and other Acronyms for Assessment and Learning in Energy Access

Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is anonymously used with measuring of impact, management of data systems, research, auditing, building of log frame analysis, data collection etc. These measures are at times are used interchangeably depending on the stakeholders involved who are creating these systems. Within this M&E spectrum, components of learning, monitoring data, evaluating changes and goals, understanding needs and realities can create an environment to build to better interventions for clean energy/ energy access and learn from them.
Providing last-mile energy access continues to be a challenge and opportunity that clean energy practitioners need to deliver to vulnerable communities, often with support from donor governments, philanthropic organizations, and the private sector. In this space, monitoring and evaluation systems towards tracking and measuring developmental outcomes are essential. These systems ensure that interventions are carefully constructed and lessons can be cascaded and are replicable, to understand different needs and on-the-ground realities (O'Cathain, et al. 2019) (Asian Development Bank 2019). These cover process and methods that ensure equity-focused implementation and create ethical protocols for intervention strategies as well as measuring evidence, which must be accessible to all stakeholders.
The panel will discuss the system needs of M&E processes within energy access programmes like community needs, aspirations, technological assessments, and interventions amongst other “acronyms” that practitioners have to deal with and/or carry out. The panel will also discuss the importance and incorporation of various process towards capturing these change(s) and the need for these systems to be seen as a strategy towards building community centric interventions. The panel would be guided by the cross-sectoral approach (technological, socio-economic, etc) towards an inclusive energy access and/ or transition especially working with vulnerable communities.
- Penias Chabwela, Lead Consultant, M&E and PSD, Dial Direct Zambia Limited
- Marlistya Citraningrum (Citra) Program Manager for Sustainable Energy Access, Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR).
- Namrata Ginoya, Senior Program Manager - Resilience and Energy, World Resources Institute India
- Shishusri Pradhan, Director of Evidence, Measurement and Evaluation (Climate) at Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF)
- Anna Amato, Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Manager, Managing for Results (MfR), World Resources Institute (WRI)
- Anamika Dutt, Manager, Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (PMEL), Energy Program, World Resources Institute India