Landscape Restoration in Sidhi and the Way Forward

WRI India is hosting a multi-stakeholder workshop in Sidhi on ‘Landscape Restoration in Sidhi: The Way Forward’ in Sidhi, Madhya Pradesh.
Landscape restoration is the deliberate integration and enhancement of tree-cover within different land uses. It includes a range of different interventions such as forest regeneration, plantations, trees on bunds, WADI, and farmer managed natural regeneration. When implemented at scale, landscape restoration strengthens rural economy through enhanced productivity of land, diversified income streams, as well as employment and enterprise opportunities. Successful landscape restoration also provides multiple environment benefits such as soil and moisture conservation, biodiversity conservation, and carbon sequestration. Having recognised these benefits, the Government of India has committed to landscape restoration in the Bonn Challenge and the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) as part of the Paris Climate Agreement.
Since 2016, WRI India with partners has been conducting an assessment to estimate potential for landscape restoration in Sidhi district of Madhya Pradesh. The assessment is now complete, and reveals that landscape restoration can tremendously strengthen local livelihoods as well as generate climate benefits for Sidhi. At the workshop, WRI India will share its findings and facilitate a multi-stakeholder dialogue on building a collaborative, synergistic plan of action to significantly strengthen the district’s rural economy through landscape approaches. The workshop will have participants from different government departments, NABARD, civil society organisations, Zilla Panchayat and local representatives.