Webinar Series 1: Industrial Decarbonization- Are Industries Ready for Green Hydrogen?

Industries holds a prominent position in the Indian economy, accounting for 31% of the GDP. Industry’s relevance can be identified through various direct and indirect linkages with other sectors, contributing to economic growth and employment. Carbon emissions for India in the year 2019 were dominated by the burning of fossil fuels for electricity production (at 1.24 billion tons) and industrial production of materials (at 168.55 million Tons). With India’s pledge to reduce the Emissions Intensity of its GDP by 45 percent by 2030 and long-term goal of reaching net-zero by 2070, industries have to prioritize decarbonization.
India is the second largest producer of crude steel and cement in the world. In 2019, the Iron and steel, cement and chemical industries combined generated around 11% of total CO2 emissions. The production of green steel and green cement can significantly lead to a reduction in carbon emissions, however the financial implications, technology mobilization and market readiness have to be propelled.
Over 40% of India's primary energy needs, or over USD 90 billion annually, are imported. This calls for a change in technology that enables an increased proportion of renewable sources in the energy mix and gradually increases energy security. With the announcement of National Green Hydrogen Mission, decarbonization of industrial, mobility and energy sectors and reduction in dependence on imported fossil fuels and feedstock can be addressed. The Government of India aspires for its investments to attract ₹8 trillion in capital by 2030. Furthermore, it is anticipated that by 2030, CO2 emissions will be reduced by around 50 MMT annually.
We plan to conduct a series of webinars on Industrial Decarbonization to understand the growth and challenges of the clean energy transition.
Our first webinar will discuss whether the industries are ready to adopt green hydrogen, its implications, and challenges in the decarbonization of the industry, particularly for the steel and cement industries.
The panel will address the following points among others:
- Anticipated growth of Green Hydrogen uses in the steel and cement industries.
- Challenges in scaling up green hydrogen, and development of ancillary industries to support the transition.
- Financial implications of uses of green hydrogen in industries.
- Current policy support and future iterations required.
This webinar is organized as part of the Clean Energy Technology Hub (CET-H). The objective of the hub is to enhance knowledge, gain valuable insights, and accelerate the clean energy transition with panel discussions from industry leaders and government stakeholders on all the latest trends and developments in renewable technology, challenges and opportunities, and case studies.
- Dr. Mukesh Kumar, Senior Advisor, Jindal Steel Power Ltd.
- Prerak Thekadi, General Manager, Adani Green Energy Ltd.
- Dr. Pooja Devi, Principal Scientist, CSIR – Central Scientific Instruments Organization
- Nishaanth Balashanmugam, India Consultant, Green Hydrogen Organization
- G Sivaramakrishnan, Clean Energy Consultant
- Guncha Munjal, Program Manager – Hydrogen, WRI India
- Lalit Sharma, Senior Project Associate, WRI India
- Abhishek Bhardwaj, Program Associate, WRI India