Unlocking Kerala's Clean Energy Potential - Technology and Local Government Focused Interventions

Kerala aims for a full transition to renewable energy by 2040 and seeks to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. However, the State imports around 75% (FY 22) of its electricity, predominantly from coal-based resources. Kerala is also experiencing an increase in electricity demand due to multiple factors, including a higher usage of electric vehicles and air conditioners. During May 2024, daily electricity consumption in the State set a record of 114MU and multiple reports indicate that the state is facing power shortages ranging 500-650MW during peak hours.
This dual challenge of meeting the state’s energy needs while pursuing its clean energy goals emphasizes the requirement for a comprehensive strategy, planning, and an innovative technological solution at various levels, encompassing the state power department, utilities, and the local self-governments (LSGs).
Recognizing the significance of addressing these challenges, WRI India started the Sustainable Energy Transition Initiative in Kerala to bolster Kerala's efforts in increasing the share of green energy in its energy mix through a systemic approach. The project involved collaboration with state agencies such as Navakeralam Karma Padhathi, Energy Management Centre, and Agency for New and Renewable Energy Research and Technology (ANERT) to devise strategies and solutions for the state's energy transition. Extensive research was conducted on clean technology options for the state and clean energy opportunities for local governments.
To share the outcomes of the efforts undertaken, WRI India is partnering with Navakeralam Karma Padhathi to organize a one-day stakeholder consultation workshop on November 19th with a focus on research outcomes related to technologies and local governments.
Theme 1 – Local Government's Role in Kerala’s Energy Transition
Recognizing the pivotal role of LSGs in Kerala’s energy transition, WRI India assessed the rooftop solar and energy saving potential of public buildings in selected LSGIs. The learnings from this study will be shared followed by a panel discussion.
Theme 2 – Clean energy technologies for Kerala
In partnership with several agencies WRI India conducted extensive research on the assessment of various technology options suitable for Kerala, including green hydrogen. A knowledge product will be launched based on this research followed by a panel discussion on the role of technology in the state’s energy transition.
Related Resources for Reading
- Energy Transition Preparedness Initiative (ETPI) Indicator Guidebook
- ETPI Electricity Sector report
- ETPI Buildings Sector report
- ETPI Transport Sector report
- Integration of an Energy Modeling Tool in a State’s Power Sector Planning Process—A Tamil Nadu Case Study
- Strengthening Adoption of Electricity Markets to Enable the Clean Energy Transition in Indian States
- Shifting Household Energy Use in Bangalore, India: Using Behaviorally Informed Energy Reports
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- Buildings Report FY 2020-21
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