Invitation for Stakeholder Consultation Workshop for Kerala Heat Action Plan

Kerala has been experiencing erratic weather including scorching summer months. The coastal state's excessive humidity combined with rising temperatures result in a severe health risk. The Kerala Heat Action Plan (HAP) was released by the Kerala State Disaster Management Authority (KSDMA) in 2020 to address and mitigate the negative effects of extreme heat stress. Additionally, the Kerala State Climate Change Adaptation Mission (KSCCAM) will implement the vision of making the state carbon neutral and disaster resilient.
WRI India is working in the state of Kerala on the implementation of India Cooling Action Plan (ICAP). As a part of this effort, WRI India has been engaging with key government agencies and institutions strengthening the design and implementation of the sustainable cooling solutions. Against this context KSDMA, KSCCAM and WRI India are jointly organizing a stakeholder consultation workshop to discuss revision of the existing heat action plan. The consultation aims to bring together key stakeholders from the government, civil society, academia, industry, and experts to discuss the essential interventions in the building and health sector to address the increasing heat stress in the state.