Implementing NDCs through Subnational Climate Finance

The UNFCCC Global Stocktake Synthesis report highlights the need for system transformation and for governments to respond with enhanced NDCs. Asia-Pacific countries need to rise to this challenge by mainstreaming climate resilience and low-greenhouse emissions development. To this end, subnational governments will play a critical role in implementing national pledges and accelerating system transformation.
The side event, as a part of the Asia Pacific Climate Week, is jointly organized by the UNFCCC-IGES Regional Collaboration Centre for Asia and the Pacific (RCC Asia-Pacific), WRI India and UN Climate Change High-Level Champions. It will deliberate on the critical role of subnational climate action shine a spotlight on a hurdle to advancing subnational action: accessing timely, reliable, and high-quality climate finance. This event also aims to showcase best practices, successful stories, and specific initiatives designed to mobilize finances tailored for the subnational level.
Bringing together representatives from subnational governments, financial institutions, investors, experts, and key stakeholders in the Asia-Pacific region, the discussions will focus on overcoming barriers to expedite achieving net-zero goals and catalyzing system transformation. An innovative initiative centered on capacity building for subnational climate finance in the region is also expected to be unveiled.
The session will provide context to enhance understanding of financial practices and mechanisms for meeting subnational climate objectives and offer a platform to stakeholders to exchange experiences, challenges, and foster interaction among financial institutions, authorities, subnational governments, legal experts, and businesses.
The side event will also have a panel discussion that will touch upon key issues, including:
- Strengthening governance and capacity at the sub-national level to access finance for climate action.
- Examining the impact and momentum of campaigns like RacetoZero on sub-national action.
- Vainalepa Toiata Apelu Uili, Assistant CEO, Renewable Energy Division, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Samoa (Virtual participation)
- Egi Suarga, Climate Manager, WRI Indonesia
- Soumya Chaturvedula, Deputy Director, ICLEI-South Asia
- Keisuke Iyadomi, Regional Climate Liaison for East Asia and Pacific/Senior Climate Change Specialist, The World Bank
- Marvin Torres Lagonera, C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group
- Juhi Bansal, NDC and LT-LEDS Regional Expert and Coordinator for Asia and the Pacific, UN Climate Change
- Saransh Bajpai, Associate Director, Climate Program, WRI India
- Mani Bhushan Jha, Senior Program Associate, WRI India
- Deo Gabinete, Regional Manager Asia Pacific and Eastern Europe, NDC Partnership