Hydrogen from Biomass

Although hydrogen is a clean fuel, with multiple applications across industry, power, and mobility, its production from fossil fuels dilutes its potential as a decarbonizing vector. However, hydrogen produced from renewable sources is emission free and is considered a green fuel. One of the promising ways to produce this green hydrogen could be through biomass - a carbon neutral feedstock.
India being a predominantly agriculture-based country, the availability of biomass from agriculture residue can be leveraged for producing hydrogen. This can also have other benefits like reduced air pollution (caused due to burning of the crop residues), reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) emission, and increased farmer incomes, etc.
Hydrogen produced through the biomass pathway could be a viable and efficient alternative for India. Power generation from biomass is not new to India however, hydrogen from biomass is an area which although nascent, holds great promise. Through this webinar we aim to explore specific pathways which would be help in evaluating the value chain of a biomass-based hydrogen production in India.
This webinar will be of particular interest to state and central government policymakers, academics, industry associations, farmers, and stakeholders in the renewable energy sector.
The main topics that would be covered through this discussion would include observations on availability of biomass, processes and technology for generating hydrogen, the technology readiness levels (TRL) and policy levers that can enable hydrogen generation from biomass.
- Types of biomasses (including agri residue, Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) etc.) and availability across the country.
- Conversion technologies from biomass to hydrogen (technology development, efficiencies, economic feasibility, etc.).
- Policy levers to create an enabling ecosystem for hydrogen production from biomass.
- Dr. Dasappa, Chair, Interdisciplinary Centre for Energy Research, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
- Dr. Preetam Singh, Associate Professor, Indian Institute Technology, Banaras Hindu University
- Aklavya Sharan, Director, DESI Power (Decentralized Energy Systems India Pvt. Ltd.) (TBC)
- Vibash Garg, Director, Clean Energy
- Ravi Pandit, CEO, KPIT (TBC)
- Dr. Kiara Zennaro, Head of Heat & Green Gas Lead, Renewable Energy Association (REA), London (TBC)
- Krishnaveni Malladi, Consultant, Hydrogen, WRI India
- Dr. Guncha Munjal, Manager, WRI India
- Pawan Mulukutla, Director, Clean Mobility and Energy Tech, WRI India (Moderator)