Chat4Change | GEDSI and WASH Service Provisioning: Mainstreaming Social Inclusion

WRI India believes that post-COVID Indian cities must aspire to citywide inclusive and resilient access to Water, Sanitation, Hygiene (WASH) and healthy spaces for all urban dwellers. This will ensure improved health, well-being and economic prosperity for all and lead to resilient urban communities today and in the future.
Watch the full event here
Nudge Learning Lab is an effort to take a step closer to realising this vision. It aims to build capacity on WASH and healthy space challenges in disadvantaged urban communities through a series of nine webinars under the subheads Chat4Change, Masterclass and Ideathon.
This webinar is targeted towards government officials (municipality, city, state, national), urban practitioners, NGOs, young professionals, and students.
Through this event, Aaco partners - WaterAid, Biome,, Indian Institute for Human Settlements, Dasra, NIUM, Take-a-stake-fund, IRC, Finish Society, WASTE and Mahila Housing Trust seek to answer these key questions:
- What is the global phenomenon with respect to access to safe and affordable water from a social inclusion lens?
- How can we ensure continued services in urban poor communities?
The webinar will foster an interactive panel discussion on the challenges and opportunities for gender inclusive urban water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) access, and safe and healthy spaces for the disadvantaged communities including the elderly, disabled and young children.
- Bijal Brahmbhatt, Director, Mahila Housing Trust
- Elin Anderstotter Fabre (Keynote Speaker), Manager, HerCity initiative, UN-Habitat
- Marlena Chertock, Communications Manager, Water Program, WRI
- Saswati G Belliappa, Safeguards Specialist, Asian Development Bank
- VR Raman, Head of Policy, WaterAid India
- Ayushi Trivedi, Research Analyst, Gender and Social Equity, WRI (Moderator)
- Sindhuja Janakiraman, Project Associate, WRI India (Moderator)