Scaling Up Good Adaptation Practices: Building Evidence for Better Adaptation Programming and Policy
Enhancing the climate resilience of vulnerable communities and the adaptive capacities of institutions in India to promote climate compatible development

Climate change will have devastating effects on India’s rural and urban poor, and assisting vulnerable populations to adapt to these changes will be critical. Adaptation is key to manage climate risks at the local level. Adaptation decisions require new information and analytic tools and how adaptation practices work best in a variety of contexts. Under this project, WRI India is working to establish an applied adaptation research program. The objective is to systematically capture lessons from on-the-ground adaptation experience and build practical tools and approaches to promote effective integration of adaptation into development initiatives across India. WRI’s proposition is to fill gaps in adaptation decisions by constructing a set of partnership activities that use research and outreach to bridge practical experience into new, improved policy and programming, at state and national levels in India.