Research Workshop on Approaches to Modelling Maharashtra’s Long-Term Climate Strategies

To fulfill the dual objectives of propelling Maharashtra into a trillion-dollar economy by 2025 and achieving significant emission reductions by 2050, a comprehensive economy-wide analysis is needed. Development of long-term strategies can help to translate Maharashtra’s mid-century vision to actionable policies and milestones in the short-to medium term, generate new green jobs, and avoid potential lock-in of investments into fossil-intensive infrastructure with long gestation periods and high decommissioning costs.
This workshop seeks to bring together policymakers, academia and think tanks in Maharashtra to share approaches and insights from analyses undertaken in Maharashtra. The workshop will help the stakeholders in learning from each other’s experiences and deliberate upon needs for enhanced analysis and outputs to support state-level planning across key sectors.
The workshop seeks to explore the following questions:
- How can modelling approaches be used in planning Maharashtra’s long-term climate strategies?
- What are the key questions being explored through different modelling approaches in Maharashtra?
- How can we create a Community of Practice among different stakeholders using or benefitting from modelling approaches and tools in Maharashtra?
- Opening remarks by Abha Shukla, Principal Secretary, Energy, Government of Maharashtra* and Venu Gopal Mothkoor, Senior Specialist/Director (Development Economics), NITI Aayog, Government of India
- WRI India – Energy Policy Simulator Tool for Achieving India’s Climate Targets and State Energy Calculator for Maharashtra
- Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Pune – E3-India: Economy-wide Modelling for Maharashtra
- Prayas – Energy-systems Modelling Platforms for India’s Energy Transition
- Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad – FABLE Calculator for pathway to achieve a sustainable food and land-use transition in India
- Maharashtra Government Perspective (Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Maharashtra, Industries, Energy and Labour Department Maharashtra)*
- Expert Discussions with representatives from Symbiosis Institute of International Business, TERI Mumbai, TISS, GIPE, IIT Bombay, IITM Pune, IISER Pune, YASHADA, Climate Bonds*
*to be confirmed.