Developing Strategies for BESCOM to Maximise Renewable Energy Sales to Commercial & Industrial Consumers

Over the last 7 years, WRI India, through its flagship initiative Green Power Market Development Group (GPMDG) has worked with C&I consumers to scale up Renewable Energy (RE) in India by supporting them with transactions, informing about government policies, and piloting some innovative business models.
This webinar is a continuation of our efforts with a new, and oft discounted, perspective – that of the electricity Distribution Companies (DISCOMs). This will in particular, highlight our research on how the Bengaluru Electricity Supply Company (BESCOM) can innovate in this clean energy transition. This is a project funded by the Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation (SSEF)
The webinar will cover experts’ views on the following themes:
- How can BESCOM scale up RE while staying financially healthy?
- How can it do so, by retaining C&I consumers?
- How can this paradigm shift happen without affecting all other stakeholders of BESCOM?
- What are the possibilities in the existing techno-commercial and policy framework? What new thinking is needed?
- Mr. Shashi Shekhar, Senior Fellow, WRI India
- Mr. Ashok Thanikonda, Manager, WRI India
- Ms. Rasika Athawale, Advisor, Regulatory Assistance Project
- Dr. Ajit Pandit, Director, IDAM
- Mr. Rakesh Jha, Director, Meghraj Capital Advisors
- Mr. Deepak Krishnan, Associate Director, WRI India (Moderator)