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India Land and Development Conference 2017

The World Resources Institute (WRI) India is hosting a session on Landscape Restoration: Centrality of Land Tenure And Resource Rights For Scaling Landscape Restoration Initiatives on 5 April 2017 at the India International Centre, New Delhi from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm.

Landscape restoration is an integrated approach that aims to improve productivity of land and forest resources for environmental and developmental security. It includes interventions ranging from protection of forests to climate smart agriculture that have the potential to secure livelihoods, build resilience to climate change, carbon sequestration, biodiversity protection and strengthening of livelihoods.

Landscape restoration is integrated into international commitments made by the Government of India as part of the UN frameworks on climate and biodiversity. Different tree based interventions also feature prominently in government programmes related to climate change, forestry, agroforestry and rural development.

India’s experience with several landscape restoration programmes as well as evidence from across the globe has revealed that tenure security and the recognition of rights, including rights over trees, is essential (albeit not sufficient condition) for achieving restoration goals and outcomes.

This session will examine the federalism context, innovative technology driven approaches, proven methods, and engagement strategies that have potential for securing tenure and resource rights. Most importantly, it will focus on how learnings emerging from across the country and from decades of experiences can be incorporated into a strategic action plan for landscape restoration. The panel will also discuss the role of different actors – government, private sector and civil society – along with the incentives that shape their action.

Session Chair - Dr. Benugopal Mukhopadhya, Chief General Manager, Farm Sector Development Department, NABARD


· Introduction: securing tenure and resource rights for scaling landscape restoration

Dr Rohini Chaturvedi on behalf of WRI India and RRI

· Establishing clarity on tenure in ‘orange areas’ for landscape restoration: an ongoing initiative from Central India

Mr. Krishna Kumar Singh, Ex-MLA and Founder of Vindhya Environment and Livelihood Trust (VELT)

· Potential for largescale community based, bottom up restoration: a case from Orissa

Mr. Giri Rao, Vasundhara

Security of tenure and resource rights incentivises landscape restoration - an example of FRA implementation in Dediapada, Gujarat

Mr. Ambrish Mehta, ARCH

For further questions about the session, please reach out to Ruchika Singh ( A detailed agenda for the conference and registration details can be found here.

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