Technology and Policy Developments in India's Electricity Sector

Organised by WRI India and the Open Climate Network, this discussion aims to bring together experts such as technology innovators and pioneers, representatives from industry- utilities, renewable developers, equipment manufacturers, automakers, etc. to discuss technology trends and challenges in the sector, and develop recommendations collaboratively for accelerated progress.
Climate change is one of the defining issues of our time, and moving forward, technology will play a significant role as we pursue efforts through the Paris Agreement to limit global average temperature rise to well below 2°C or 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. Meeting the temperature challenge would necessitate dramatic decarbonization of economies in the 21st century, and in enabling these transitions, technology is a powerful solution for simultaneously addressing climate change and advancing development.
As the electricity sector landscape in India undergoes transformation, increasing in complexity with rapid developments in technology, business models and regulatory landscape, this round table will explore promising technology trends in the sector to understand their potential influence on long term decarbonisation.
The four broad areas that the event will focus on are:
- Electricity utilities of the future
- Improvements in solar PV efficiency
- Electric mobility
- Building automation and appliances
The detailed agenda can be viewed here. If you are interested to attend, please contact Apurba Mitra (