Role of New and Emerging Clean Energy Technologies in Meeting India’s 450 GW RE Target

India is targeting an ambitious renewable energy target of 450 gigawatts of installed capacity by 2030. But as of March 2021, nationwide installed capacity stood at 96 GW, about a fifth of the intended target. India would have to install 35 GW every year for the next 10 years if we are to achieve this target. It would also mean maneuvering global supply chains; looking at new research and development, strategize to implement grid-scale to Decentralized Renewable Energy systems; invest in innovation and emerging clean energy technologies. Technology has been identified as an important but difficult-to-predict driver of change within energy systems. The technologies that are considered most important in the renewable energy transition in India are wind and solar power; energy storage; and green hydrogen.
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This webinar will explore developments in new technologies, capacity additions, strategic policies, to accelerate the growth of renewable energy in achieving the country’s renewable energy target. Panellists will discuss the new clean energy technologies available in the market; challenges in their adoption; supporting policies and strategies to encourage adoption and potential business models.
This webinar is organized in partnership with the Centre for Policy Research.
- Kajol, Manager, Energy Program, WRI India
- Gayathri Prakash, Associate Program Officer, International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
- Will Hall, Head of Buildings and Industry for COP26, Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, UK
- Dr. Rajesh Katyal, Deputy Director-General, National Institute of Wind Energy (NIWE), TBC
- Netra Walawalkar, Director Partnerships, India Energy Storage Alliance
- Dr. Juzer Vasi, Professor Emeritus, IIT Bombay
- Sandhya Sundararagavan, Lead, Energy Transitions, WRI India
- Ashwini K Swain, Fellow, CPR (Moderator)