Role of Digitalization in Renewable Energy Sector – Strengthening the Grid

India is keen to continue its focus on decarbonization by increasing the renewable energy (RE) capacity. In Glasgow summit 2021, India announced to raise the non-fossil fuel capacity to over 500 GW by 2030 and 50 % of nation’s power requirement to be met by RE. These targets convey the need of not only high RE installation but also on the optimal use of the same. While the focus on energy storage and solar systems are getting a push from government, digitalization of energy systems should also be incorporated parallelly to achieve the nation’s 50 % target.
With day-to-day enhancements in digitalization related technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT) and blockchain, it imperative to explore different aspects of digitalization in the segments of energy sector such as energy trading, infirm power forecasting, Smart grids/ micro-grid management, O&M etc.
Global interest and discussion around digitalization of energy systems have also increased over past few years. With proper business model, which understands the nation’s current electricity-economy balance can improve operation of transmission and distribution networks and optimization of RE systems across various chains starting with forecasting to demand management.
Our webinar will discuss the emerging digitalization technologies in RE sector and their viability in the Indian context.
The panel will address the following points, among others:
- Digitalisation scene in Indian Energy Sector and current projects in development (Energy trading and smart metering being primary focus)
- Challenges in scaling the digitisation in India RE sector
- Financial implications of digitisation in RE systems (grid connected and decentralized)
- Current policy support and possible budget implications on digitization.
This webinar is organized as part of the Innovative and New Clean Energy Technology Forum (INCETF). The objective of the forum is to enhance the knowledge, gain valuable insights, and accelerate clean energy transition with panel discussions from industry leaders and government stakeholders on all the latest trends and developments in renewable technology, challenges and opportunities, and case studies.
- Arjun Gupta, Manager, RMI India
- Reena Suri, Executive Director, India Smart Grid Forum
- Siddharth Gangal, CEO, The Solar Labs
- Sugata Mukherjee, Head Operation, TATA Power Renewable Micro Grid Ltd.
- Vinod Tiwari, Global Head of Business Development & Partnerships, Power Ledger