Ocean Energy Potential and Future in India

India has a coastline of over 7600km, which can be explored for the generation of alternate source of renewables such as ocean energy. This can help India meet its renewable energy targets and widen the energy mix. Ocean energy is energy derived from the ocean’s movements or its physical and chemical state. It is more commonly generated from waves, tides, and currents, but it is also possible to generate energy from ocean temperature differences and salinity gradients.
A 2014 study estimated the tidal power potential in India at 12,455MW with suitable locations in parts of Gujarat, Tamil Nadu and West Bengal. Tidal energy projects that were planned for West Bengal and Gujarat have now been shelved due to the high capital costs of 30-60 Crore/MW. Tidal energy technologies are still in their R&D stage in India, with high capital costs hindering large scale commercial deployment.
Similarly, the wave energy potential along the Indian coats is estimated to be around 40,000MW. However, pilot projects that we set up, were later decommissioned, such as the 150kw wave energy plant in Kerala. There is limited information on the scope of other ocean energy technologies for India.
There are only few projects currently in the pipeline such as a new 1MW wave energy plant at Vizhinjam, Kerala and a 65kw ocean thermal energy conversion plan in Lakshadweep for tapping the huge potential for Ocean energy in India. Global interest and discussion around ocean energy technologies have also increased over past few years, with tidal stream and wave energy picking up speed and being scaled up. Considering the large untapped potential for ocean energy in India and the maturing of technology and commercial deployment, it is essential to explore its scope and viability for India.
The objective of the webinar is to learn about the Ocean energy challenges in India, technological developments, global best practices, and future plans. The panel of stakeholders from academia, government and industry will discuss the existing and emerging ocean energy technologies, their viability, challenges and opportunities in the Indian context.
The panel will address the following points among others:
- What are the different ocean energy technologies and their technology readiness levels, economic and commercial viability in the Indian setting?
- What are the challenges pertaining to its scaling and wide adoption in India?
- What measures have other countries implemented to increase the uptake of ocean energy and any learnings for India?
- What would be the supporting policies, business models, R&D initiatives for the growth of ocean energy in India?
This webinar is organized as part of the Innovative and New Clean Energy Technology Forum (INCETF). The objective of the forum is to enhance the knowledge, gain valuable insights, and accelerate clean energy transition with panel discussions from industry leaders and government stakeholders on all the latest trends and developments in renewable technology, challenges and opportunities, and case studies.
- Dr Purnima Jalihal, Scientist G, Head, Energy and Fresh Water and Coastal Engineering, National Institute of Ocean Technology
- Dr VVS Sricharan, Scientist, Oscilla Power
- Eliza Northrop, Policy Lead, High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy, Global Ocean Program, World Resources Institute
- Pramod NE, Scientist, Agency for New and Renewable Energy Research and Technology (ANERT)
- Priyanka Shankar, Content Coordinator, Mongabay India (Moderator)