National Workshop on Energy and Environment Modelling

WRI India and the Centre for Policy Research (CPR) in partnership with the Ministry of Environment Forests and Climate Change (MoEFCC) invite you to participate in the “National Workshop on Energy and Environment modelling” in New Delhi, at the on Monday, 29 October 2018.
Several academic groups and think tanks, in India and globally, are working with economic models to identify appropriate actions that would meet both developmental and environmental goals. This workshop will bring together a range of modellers, policy makers, researchers and other practitioners to present recent developments in modelling, share best practices, and discuss how best to coordinate efforts between the modelling community and policymakers to address pressing questions on India’s energy and development needs. The effort will be to uncover learnings and understand how the modelling community can better serve the needs of policy makers by providing analysis in a manner that is valuable for decision making.
The workshop will start with the launch and introduction of the Energy Policy Simulator (EPS) developed by Energy Innovation LLC, World Resources Institute India and Open Climate Network. This will be followed by moderated panel discussions on 1) Sustainable Development Linkages, including air pollution 2) Demand Side Modelling, 3) Managing Uncertainty and 4) Subnational Modelling.