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Grid-Path Configuration and Hands-On Training in Madhya Pradesh

Grid-Path Configuration and Hands-On Training in Madhya Pradesh

India has set an ambitious target to achieve 50% of its total capacity from renewable energy (RE) generation by 2030. To meet this goal and fulfill national emissions reduction commitments and promote clean energy, Integrated resource planning (IRP) is critical to enable states in identifying the most least-cost combinations of supply, end-use efficiency solutions that are relevant to its economic and social goals.

WRI India is collaborating with State Planning Cell (SPC) of Madhya Pradesh Power Management Company (MPPMCL) in co-developing IRP to help the state achieve optimal energy mix, reduce emissions and contribute to state and national clean energy targets. Over recent years, MP’s RE generation capacity grew by 12 times and its electricity demand is projected to grow at a CAGR of 5.36 % between 2024-2035. Hence, strategic planning is necessary to align its growing demand with expanding capacities and available state resources. Our partners Prayas (Energy Group), EmLab at the University of California, Santa Barbara and MaNIT will be supporting this initiative.

In continuation to previous workshop, WRI India in collaboration with SPC-MPPMCL (Energy Department, Government of Madhya Pradesh) is organizing a ONE-day training workshop on 29th January 2029 on “GRID-PATH configuration and hands-on training in Madhya Pradesh” at Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (MANIT), Bhopal. These training sessions aims to collectively develop an IRP model, addressing state specific needs in-terms of Transmission study by MANIT along with strengthen the capacities utilities and institutions. We are hopeful that these efforts will assist Madhya Pradesh in attaining clean energy transition and meet both short-term and long-term objectives.


  • Dr. Priyanka Paliwal, Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering, MANIT, Bhopal
  • Ms. Sandhya Sundararagavan, Head - Energy Transition, Energy Program, WRI India
  • Ambuj Adhwaryu, Program Manager, Energy program
  • Krishan Gopal Sharma, Manager-Energy, Energy Program, WRI India
  • Dr. Varun Jyothiprakash, Senior Program Manager.
  • Harish Palani, Senior Research Specialist, Energy program, WRI India
  • Umesh Ramamoorthi, Senior Research Associate, Energy Program, WRI India
  • Rohit Khare, Senior Program Research Associate, Energy Program, WRI India

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