Determining the Scope and Feasibility of a Wood Value Chain Alliance in India

Developing strong value chains for forest produce, particularly wood, can provide powerful economic incentives for growing more trees and thus restoring our land ecosystems. This restoration-based economy will not only help in improving livelihoods and incomes for tree growers, but also help in achieving India’s climate commitments. At present, India has a small but growing market for wood-based construction, but there are critical gaps in demand and supply of wood-based construction material in the country as well as in their supporting policies. A strong market of sustainable and engineered wood is non-existent, and 70% of this sector is unorganized.
WRI India has initiated a scoping study with Centre for Responsible Business (CRB) to assess the scope and feasibility of a wood value chain alliance in India. It aims to engage with stakeholders working on demand, supply and policy aspects in this value chain, and identify potential partners for this alliance along with the geographic and commodity focus. Gearing efforts at national and regional levels with multi-stakeholder consultations, we are exploring building a wood value chain alliance which can bridge these gaps and boost the restoration economy for tree growers, while achieving India’s climate commitments.
National Consultation | 15 March 2022, New Delhi
Initiating a first such multistakeholder dialogue in partnership with CRB, this national consultation saw a proactive participation by representatives from several organisations including Network for Certification and Conservation of Forests, International Bamboo and Rattan Organisation (INBAR), Confederation of Indian Industry, Gohemp, Aga Khan Agency for Habitat India, and Foundation for MSME Clusters. The participants delved deeper into the issue and shared critical insights on demand, supply and policy related barriers and enabling factors on wood value chain in India during the three break-out sessions organized during the event.
Regional Consultation in Northeast India | 08 June 2022, Guwahati, Assam
This regional consultation, co-organized with CRB focused on exploring the feasibility of a value chain alliance for bamboo in the Northeast in Guwahati, Assam. This consultation was aimed at engaging with key stakeholders involved in demand, supply and policy aspects of bamboo value chains and saw active participation from around 29 participants representing organizations including Northeast Cane and Bamboo Development Council, King Industries - Bamboo, Indian Plywood Industries Research & Training Institute (IPIRTI) Kolkata, Rainforest Alliance, Timpack Pvt Ltd., Preferred by Nature, Manipur University, Innovative Change Collaborative (ICCo) India (Guwahati), Rain Forest Research Institute, Jorhat in Assam, Bamboo World, Foundation for MSME Clusters, International Mountain Initiative and State Bamboo Development Agency.
Regional Consultation in Central India | 07 July 2022, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
Co-organized with CRB, this second regional consultation was focused on exploring the feasibility of a value chain alliance for bamboo in Central India and engaged with key stakeholders involved in the demand, supply and policy aspects of bamboo value chains. This multistakeholder dialogue saw participation from diverse stakeholders representing government officials, architects, academicians, entrepreneurs, and suppliers working in the bamboo value chains. Participating organizations included the MP Ecotourism Board, MP State bamboo mission, Evangelical Social Action Forum (ESAF) Jharkhand, Konkan Bamboo and Cane Development Centre (KONBAC), Bamboo Development Authority Balaghat, IIT Bombay, Global Sustainable Tourism Council, School of Planning and Architecture Bhopal, Barkatullah University, Bamboo Pecker, and Global Biodiversity Education Society.