Adolescent Inclusion in Public Space Development

Please join us for our webinar ‘Adolescent Inclusion in Public Space Development’ scheduled for Thursday, 24th November from 3:00 pm to 4:45 pm.
This webinar seeks to introduce a public spaces assessment framework and initiate a discussion on the inclusion of adolescent perspectives in public space development. This will be followed by a panel discussion with distinguished field experts and city-level organizations for sharing their experience.
India is the youngest nation in the world with adolescents accounting for 20.9 % of the total urban population. The Government of India has launched various policies, missions, and initiatives, that are focused on youth, but these are largely centered on nutrition, education, and health. However, Adolescents’ perspective and participation, continues to be underrepresented in policies, advocacy, programs, and laws that guides the urban development ecosystem.
Adolescents seek spaces that can fulfil their needs for safety, autonomy and social interaction. Such spaces also help promote adolescent health and overall well-being and further serve as venues for self-expression and retreat.
The Safe, Vibrant and Healthy Public Spaces project has been developed under the BOTNAR’S ‘Healthy Cities for Adolescents (HCA) program and managed by the International Society for Urban Health (ISUH). The project was started in 2021 to respond to adolescent needs by enabling the two Indian cities of Jaipur and Bhubaneswar for the development of adolescent-oriented, safe, vibrant, and healthy public spaces. The project aims to build knowledge and awareness on this theme, and to subsequently develop a foundational system for furthering long-term action for public spaces in the cities.
We look forward to your presence.
- Joyati Das, Global Lead, Partnerships and Advocacy, HCA Phase Ecorys, United Kingdom
- Jaya Srinivasan, Senior Manager, Ennovent India
- Arpita Pattnaik, Executive Director, Hamara Bachpan Trust
- Dr. Neelima Agrawal, Deputy General Manager, Programmes (Rajasthan), Magic Bus India Foundation
- Charu Goswami, Director, I-India
- Prerna Mehta, Associate Director, Urban Development, WRI India
- Jaya Dhindaw, Program Director, Integrated Urban Development, Planning & Resilience, WRI India