Accelerating Startups: Expert Talk & fireside chat with 3 successful restoration entrepreneurs

This session will advance into a Fireside chat with leading restoration entrepreneurs, post a 15-minute talk by sectoral expert from AGNIi (Accelerating Growth of New India's Innovations) about how AGNIi can help Land Accelerator start-ups in promoting their growth. The ultimate goal of this chat is to provide the South Asia cohort with valuable lessons and insights that these 3 successful entrepreneurs have learned their hard way. This session will pull out truly relevant insights by incorporating audience questions while discussing the journey of these start-ups.
Prakarsh Mishra, Manager and Senior Innovation Specialist at Invest India
Prakarsh Mishra is currently leading the Rural Livelihood vertical of AGNIi Mission, which is a flagship initiative under the Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser, and one of nine technology Missions under the Prime Minister’s Science, Technology and Innovation Advisory Council (PM-STIAC). Prakarsh is a trained design thinking practitioner from D-school, University of Potsdam, Germany, the sister institute of D-school at Stanford University, USA and fully merit-based scholarship awardee from Bologna Business School, University of Bologna, Italy. Prakarsh’s portfolios advance his interests in a vital, under-researched area: how innovation can be reframed as an instrument to rural human development.
Major Ved Prakash Sharma, Co-founder and CEO, Gratitude Farms
Major Sharma is a technology professional with over 35 years’ global experience including 16 years in Indian Army and 16 years in the telecoms / networking Industry. In 2017, he ventured into organic farming focussing on its scientific principles and providing solution to the rising food security issues through his unique organic farms and food forest model aimed at making the farmers and rural community earn dignified livelihood and promote regenerative and climate resilient farming.
Satendrasingh Lilhare, Founder, Bastar se Bazaar Tak
Satendra is working with the women farmers and tribals of Chattisgarh to develop sustainable value chains for Non-Timber Forest Produce (NTFP), generating livelihood and skilled income sources through processing of the NTFPs. Bastar se Bazaar Tak, with its novel approach and visible impact is setting an example for first generation entrepreneurs venturing in social start-ups.
Agnishwar Jayaprakarsh, Founder & CEO, Garuda Aerospace
An alumnus of Queens University of Charlotte and Harvard Business School’s executive MBA program, Agnishwar is currently trying to build India’s first drone unicorn. Garuda Aerospace has transcended into the largest and one of the most valuable drone start-ups in India under his leadership enabling agriculture and allied sector to reap the benefits of technology.