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#ThinkSafety with WRI India: A Global Conversation about Road Safety

thinksafety India has a relatively low level of motorization as compared to developed countries, and yet accounts for 10 percent of the global road traffic crash fatalities (Photo Credit: Neha Mungekar/WRI India)

On 20 May 2015, over 50 participants — including road safety experts, urban planners, research think thanks and media houses from India, USA, Colombia, Mexico, UK, Brazil, Belgium, Canada and Namibia —engaged in a global conversation about Road Safety on Twitter following the Third UN Road Safety Week (May 4 – 10). The hashtag #ThinkSafety was used for over 700 tweets and had a potential reach of 1.9 million.

WRI India posted 6 questions in a span of 60 minutes. These questions were based on road design, challenges of road safety, motorcycle safety, policy changes, and international best practices. Here are some of the top tweets, quotes, and comments that came from the participants during the tweetchat.

Q1: What policy changes would you like to see to make India's roads safer?

Q2: What is the most crucial aspect of vehicle safety, with respect to all road users, both inside and outside the vehicle?

**Q3: What role does road design play in safety? **

Q4: What are the key issues for motorcycle safety?

Q5: What is meant by the multi-factor nature of accidents? How does this influence crash investigation?

Q6: What are some of the safety best practices that have been proven successful internationally?

Check out our prezi with the highlights from the discussion here.

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