Sustainable Cities
WRI India’s Sustainable Cities program catalyzes environmentally and financially sustainable transport solutions to improve quality of life in cities

India is one of the most rapidly urbanizing developing nations. With the growth of urban population estimated to be 40% by 2030 from 28% in 2001, the number of million plus cities is set to rise to rise to 68 by 2030 from the present 35. Economic growth is the driving force behind urbanization. But unfortunately this growth is largely unplanned, creating a high risk of unsustainable sprawl.
Sustainable Cities is the sustainable urban mobility initiative of WRI India. Sustainable Cities catalyzes sustainable solutions to the problems of urban mobility, actively working in four strategic areas – Integrated Urban Transport, Urban Development & Accessibility, Transport and Climate, and Health and Road Safety. We promote high quality integrated public transport systems; equitable and accessible built environment emphasizing integrated transport and land-use planning to improve the quality of life in cities.
The theory of change framework adopted by WRI India consists of impacting Multimodal Mobility, Intermodal Connectivity, Integrating Land Use and Transport and Disincentivizing Private Vehicle Use. Using this strategic approach, we provide technical support in addressing the existing gaps in knowledge, skills and awareness though capacity building initiatives, impacting city and national government officials, bureaucrats and decision makers and convening key stakeholders to create a sustainable transport market development alliance and mainstream sustainable transport solutions.